Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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390 lines
//$$ newmatex.cpp Exception handler
// Copyright (C) 1992,3,4: R B Davies
#define WANT_STREAM // include.h will get stream fns
#include "include.h" // include standard files
#include "newmat.h"
// action = -1 print message and exit(1)
// 0 no message if handler available
// 1 print message and use handler
int SpaceException::action = 1; // these may be zero for global
int DataException::action = 1; // variables; probably doesn't
int ConvergenceException::action = 1; // matter
int ProgramException::action = 1;
int InternalException::action = 1;
static inline iabs(int i) { return i >= 0 ? i : -i; }
MatrixDetails::MatrixDetails(const GeneralMatrix& A)
: type(A.Type()), nrows(A.Nrows()), ncols(A.Ncols())
{ MatrixBandWidth bw = A.BandWidth(); ubw = bw.upper; lbw = bw.lower; }
void MatrixDetails::PrintOut()
cout << "MatrixType = " << type.Value();
cout << " # Rows = " << nrows;
cout << "; # Cols = " << ncols;
if (lbw >=0) cout << "; lower BW = " << lbw;
if (ubw >=0) cout << "; upper BW = " << ubw;
cout << "\n";
SpaceException::SpaceException() : Exception(iabs(action))
if (action) cout << "Out of space on heap\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
MatrixException::MatrixException(int action) : Exception(iabs(action))
{ if (action) cout << "The exception is from newmat.\n"; }
MatrixException::MatrixException(int action, const GeneralMatrix& A)
: Exception(iabs(action))
if (action)
cout << "The exception is from newmat: details of matrix follow:\n";
MatrixException::MatrixException(int action, const GeneralMatrix& A,
const GeneralMatrix& B) : Exception(iabs(action))
if (action)
cout << "The exception is from newmat: details of matrices follow:\n";
DataException::DataException(const GeneralMatrix& A)
: MatrixException(action, A) {}
NPDException::NPDException(const GeneralMatrix& A)
: DataException(A)
if (action) cout << "The matrix is not positive definite\n\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
SingularException::SingularException(const GeneralMatrix& A)
: DataException(A)
if (action) cout << "The matrix is singular\n\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
ConvergenceException::ConvergenceException(const GeneralMatrix& A)
: MatrixException(action,A)
if (action) cout << "Process fails to converge\n\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
ProgramException::ProgramException(char* c) : MatrixException(action)
if (action) cout << c << "\n\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
ProgramException::ProgramException(char* c, const GeneralMatrix& A)
: MatrixException(action,A)
if (action) cout << c << "\n\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
ProgramException::ProgramException(char* c, const GeneralMatrix& A,
const GeneralMatrix& B) : MatrixException(action,A,B)
if (action) cout << c << "\n\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
ProgramException::ProgramException(char* c, MatrixType a, MatrixType b)
: MatrixException(action)
if (action)
cout << c << "\n";
cout << "MatrixType codes = " << +a << " " << +b << "\n\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
ProgramException::ProgramException(const GeneralMatrix& A)
: MatrixException(action, A) {}
ProgramException::ProgramException(int) : MatrixException(action) {}
VectorException::VectorException() : ProgramException(0)
if (action) cout << "Cannot convert matrix to vector\n\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
VectorException::VectorException(const GeneralMatrix& A)
: ProgramException(A)
if (action) cout << "Cannot convert matrix to vector\n\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
NotSquareException::NotSquareException(const GeneralMatrix& A)
: ProgramException(A)
if (action) cout << "Matrix is not square\n\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
: ProgramException(0)
if (action) cout << "Incompatible submatrix dimension\n\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
: ProgramException(0)
if (action) cout << "Incompatible dimensions\n\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
NotDefinedException::NotDefinedException(char* op, char* matrix)
: ProgramException(0)
if (action)
cout << "Operation " << op << " not defined for " << matrix << "\n\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
CannotBuildException::CannotBuildException(char* matrix)
: ProgramException(0)
if (action)
cout << "Cannot build matrix type " << matrix << "\n\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
IndexException::IndexException(int i, const GeneralMatrix& A)
: ProgramException(A)
if (action)
{ cout << "Index error: requested index = " << i << "\n\n"; }
if (action < 0) exit(1);
IndexException::IndexException(int i, int j, const GeneralMatrix& A)
: ProgramException(A)
if (action)
cout << "Index error: requested indices = " << i << ", " << j << "\n\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
IndexException::IndexException(int i, const GeneralMatrix& A, Boolean)
: ProgramException(A)
if (action)
{ cout << "Element error: requested index (wrt 0) = " << i << "\n\n"; }
if (action < 0) exit(1);
IndexException::IndexException(int i, int j, const GeneralMatrix& A, Boolean)
: ProgramException(A)
if (action)
cout << "Element error: requested indices (wrt 0) = "
<< i << ", " << j << "\n\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
InternalException::InternalException(char* c) : MatrixException(action)
if (action) cout << c << "\n\n";
if (action < 0) exit(1);
/************************* ExeCounter functions *****************************/
int ExeCounter::nreports; // will be set to zero
ExeCounter::ExeCounter(int xl, int xf) : line(xl), fileid(xf), nexe(0) {}
cout << nreports << " " << fileid << " " << line << " " << nexe << "\n";
/**************************** error handler *******************************/
void MatrixErrorNoSpace(void* v) { if (!v) Throw(SpaceException()); }
// throw exception if v is null
/************************* test type manipulation **************************/
// These functions may cause problems for Glockenspiel 2.0c; they are used
// only for testing so you can delete them
void TestTypeAdd()
MatrixType list[9];
list[0] = MatrixType::UT;
list[1] = MatrixType::LT;
list[2] = MatrixType::Rt;
list[3] = MatrixType::Sm;
list[4] = MatrixType::Dg;
list[5] = MatrixType::BM;
list[6] = MatrixType::UB;
list[7] = MatrixType::LB;
list[8] = MatrixType::SB;
cout << "+ ";
for (int i=0; i<MatrixType::nTypes(); i++) cout << list[i].Value() << " ";
cout << "\n";
for (i=0; i<MatrixType::nTypes(); i++)
cout << list[i].Value() << " ";
for (int j=0; j<MatrixType::nTypes(); j++)
cout << (list[j]+list[i]).Value() << " ";
cout << "\n";
cout << "\n";
void TestTypeMult()
MatrixType list[9];
list[0] = MatrixType::UT;
list[1] = MatrixType::LT;
list[2] = MatrixType::Rt;
list[3] = MatrixType::Sm;
list[4] = MatrixType::Dg;
list[5] = MatrixType::BM;
list[6] = MatrixType::UB;
list[7] = MatrixType::LB;
list[8] = MatrixType::SB;
cout << "* ";
for (int i=0; i<MatrixType::nTypes(); i++)
cout << list[i].Value() << " ";
cout << "\n";
for (i=0; i<MatrixType::nTypes(); i++)
cout << list[i].Value() << " ";
for (int j=0; j<MatrixType::nTypes(); j++)
cout << (list[j]*list[i]).Value() << " ";
cout << "\n";
cout << "\n";
void TestTypeSP()
MatrixType list[9];
list[0] = MatrixType::UT;
list[1] = MatrixType::LT;
list[2] = MatrixType::Rt;
list[3] = MatrixType::Sm;
list[4] = MatrixType::Dg;
list[5] = MatrixType::BM;
list[6] = MatrixType::UB;
list[7] = MatrixType::LB;
list[8] = MatrixType::SB;
cout << "SP ";
for (int i=0; i<MatrixType::nTypes(); i++)
cout << list[i].Value() << " ";
cout << "\n";
for (i=0; i<MatrixType::nTypes(); i++)
cout << list[i].Value() << " ";
for (int j=0; j<MatrixType::nTypes(); j++)
cout << (list[j].SP(list[i])).Value() << " ";
cout << "\n";
cout << "\n";
void TestTypeOrder()
MatrixType list[9];
list[0] = MatrixType::UT;
list[1] = MatrixType::LT;
list[2] = MatrixType::Rt;
list[3] = MatrixType::Sm;
list[4] = MatrixType::Dg;
list[5] = MatrixType::BM;
list[6] = MatrixType::UB;
list[7] = MatrixType::LB;
list[8] = MatrixType::SB;
cout << ">= ";
for (int i = 0; i<MatrixType::nTypes(); i++)
cout << list[i].Value() << " ";
cout << "\n";
for (i=0; i<MatrixType::nTypes(); i++)
cout << list[i].Value() << " ";
for (int j=0; j<MatrixType::nTypes(); j++)
cout << ((list[j]>=list[i]) ? "Yes " : "No ");
cout << "\n";
cout << "\n";
/************************* miscellanous errors ***************************/
void CroutMatrix::GetRow(MatrixRowCol&)
{ Throw(NotDefinedException("GetRow","Crout")); }
void CroutMatrix::GetCol(MatrixRowCol&)
{ Throw(NotDefinedException("GetCol","Crout")); }
void CroutMatrix::operator=(const BaseMatrix&)
{ Throw(NotDefinedException("=","Crout")); }
void BandLUMatrix::GetRow(MatrixRowCol&)
{ Throw(NotDefinedException("GetRow","BandLUMatrix")); }
void BandLUMatrix::GetCol(MatrixRowCol&)
{ Throw(NotDefinedException("GetCol","BandLUMatrix")); }
void BandLUMatrix::operator=(const BaseMatrix&)
{ Throw(NotDefinedException("=","BandLUMatrix")); }
ReturnMatrixX::ReturnMatrixX(const ReturnMatrixX& tm)
: gm(tm.gm) { Throw(ProgramException("ReturnMatrixX error")); }